San Antonio On-the-Job Injury Attorney
It has been said that more accidents occur in the home than anywhere else. If that holds true, then perhaps the second most common location for potential accidents is on the job.
Every year work injuries, such as machine accidents, maim or kill thousands of workers in the United States. In most instances, those workers are prohibited from filing lawsuits against their employers. Instead, they must recover for their injuries through the Texas Workers’ Compensation Act.
However, a third party may be sued for failing to provide or ensure the operation of sufficient safety measures. Parties that may be sued include:
Property Owners
Manufacturers of Construction Equipment
If you have suffered an injury on the job, contact The Law Office of Thomas C. Hall, P.C., for a free initial consultation. Telephones are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Common Sources of Injuries and Death on the Job
Some of the most common causes of workplace injuries and deaths are:
Chemical Exposure
Construction Site
Defective Machinery and Tools
Electrical Shock / Current
Fires and Explosions
Heavy Equipment
Industrial Accidents
Power Tools
Radiation Exposure
Industrial Accidents
Some workplace accidents are industry specific. If you have experienced an on-the-job injury in a factory or manufacturing plant, or in any other industrial setting, contact me for a free case evaluation.